Why You Should Consider Adding Peppermint Oil To Your Hair Care

Hearing peppermint makes you think of the white and red candy you get around Christmas time. It is associated with holiday cheer, festivities, and holiday-themed drinks. 

Peppermint essential oil often energizes people and provides comfort, relief, and cooling. People have claimed that they have experienced a burst of energy after using it. It is also suitable for clearing up congestion if you suffer from a cold. 

Like all things natural, peppermint oil has many benefits for the human body. One of the benefits we can reap from peppermint oil is hair care. An article published by the Toxicological Research suggests that peppermint oil may promote hair growth. 

Peppermint oil is made by extracting peppermint leaves, and its potency varies. Peppermint extract is diluted to create peppermint oil. 

Peppermint oil contains a compound called menthol, which is responsible for most of the benefits of peppermint. Menthol is the component that gives peppermint its cooling effect, smell, and taste. 

Peppermint oil has been known to be beneficial for hair care. 

Some of the benefits of peppermint oil include being antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. 

Many people use peppermint oil to combat hair loss. 

The menthol in peppermint oil acts as a vasodilator and increases blood circulation. For many people, hair loss occurs due to starved blood flow to the hair follicles. Incorporating peppermint oil in your hair care routine will increase blood flow to the hair while leaving you with a refreshed and clean scalp.

The Kenna Stimulating Scalp Tonic is formulated with nineteen natural ingredients and is made keeping your hair in mind. Peppermint oil is a key ingredient in the Kenna Stimulating Scalp Tonic.

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